Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sammy the Smelly Skeleton Spider

A Short Story by Zach.

Sammy the skeleton spider smelled of stinky Stilton cheese.  He stayed in a smelly sewer.  The sound of sparrows shattered in Sammy's sound hole.  That signaled him to go to Skeleton Soul School.

It was his second day at school and he felt super.  At gym he was strong like a solider and in social studies he was stunningly smart and in shapes class he played with spheres and drew circles.

At lunch, a skeleton spider named Sebastien spun over to Sam.  He spilled his Cesar salad sandwich all over Sam. "I don't know where you spun here from but you should spin right back now!".

Sammy was sad.  Sammy called his mom and said he was sick.  He had no super that night the rest of the school year was the same schedule.

On the sixth day a skeleton spider name Stanley spun over to Sam to eat lunch with him.  Stanley was shy and scared...  he was super scared of Sebastian.  He simply wanted a friend.  He asked Sam.

"Sure!" said Sam.

"Super!" said Stanley.

That day Sam didn't call in sick and did eat super.

The seventh day Sam and Stan said to Sebastian "Say what you want to say, we won't listen.  We may be smelly but we're smart".  And they did just that.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Mummy and Grouchy Person Awareness

 Do you know the difference between a grouchy person and a mummy?

Grouchy has the "Evil Eye."
Grouchy says "GET OFF MY LAWN YOU ROTTEN KIDS!!!!"  (but mummies are mute.)

Mummy has no brain (though grouchy probably doesn't use his.)
Mummy is wrapped in toilet paper (so is grouchy`s house.)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Super Sean!

My brother's name is Sean and I will tell all about him.

First of all he has brown eyes, red hair, small ears and a small nose.
    Secondly he is always trying to at all cost prevent me from doing my homework!
      Thirdly he is five years old and is in preschool.
        Fourth of all he laughs non-stop.  He laughs when he talks, he laughs when other people talk, he even laughs when no one talks!  He's even laughing right now!  In fact he laughs more than he talks! Non-stop!
          That is four things about the person that tried to stop me from eating my breakfast this morning.